2 0 1 6.

Thanks for continuing to stop by, friends. Things have been busy, but very good. Instead of wasting time reading my apologies for not posting, want to see A LOT of pictures from November and December of 2015? Here you go — and here’s to 2016.

1jan - 17

Soup, chicken salad, and iced tea at my favorite lunch spot.

1jan - 3

More soup, more iced tea. (And prepping for class, which is a pretty accurate reflection of my life most days.)

1jan - 2

Fall leaves on my driveway sometime in November.

1jan - 1

This dog, being ridiculous.

1jan - 16

Course prep outside at my favorite coffee shop.

1jan - 15

Documenting a Friday professor costume. (I didn’t start off the semester wearing jeans, but by November, it was necessary. At least on Fridays…)

1jan - 14

More soup, but this came from my kitchen. Sweet potato miso soup, I think.

1jan - 13

Soup prep. Around mid-November, I started making a big pot of something on Saturday afternoons. Adjusting to professor-life has meant re-learning how to feed myself; sometimes there’s just not enough time in the day. (I’ve eaten more peanut butter and jelly sandwiches this fall than I think I have since kindergarten…)

1jan - 12

An afternoon walk with my favorite dog.

1jan - 11

Holiday treats from a new and already dear friend.

1jan - 10

Sweet, sweet dog.

1jan - 9

Pesto pasta salad in my car — on the holiday road trip I took to my parents’ house.

1jan - 8

An old and very warm blanket that was my grandmother’s. Check out that tag!

1jan - 7

Southwestern butternut squash soup, simmering.

1jan - 6

Late-night self portrait. Mid-December, maybe? (WordPress scrambled the order of these photos when I batch uploaded them, and I’m too lazy to put them back into chronological order.)

1jan - 5

At least one of us is doing yoga…hoping to return to my practice in 2016.

1jan - 4


1jan - 22

Took a road trip to participate in an event organized by grad students on the other side of the state; saw this gorgeous heron on a walk through a beautiful garden.

1jan - 20

Evening sky.

1jan - 19

Those wrinkles!

1jan - 18

Celebrating the end of the semester with another new faculty member: fancy lunch and cocktails in the middle of the day!

eternity scarf - 1

Oh, and look! I did do some knitting this fall. I made two of these eternity scarves out of some luxurious Lorna’s Laces (maybe it’s called Lion and Lamb?) silk/merino blend. One for a dear friend’s birthday, and another as a holiday present for my amazing faculty mentor. I love this pattern; knits up beautifully no matter the yarn, and it is so, so wearable. I’m already behind on some wedding blanket knitting; maybe I can get some of that on the needles before the semester starts up — in less than 2 weeks! Better get back to course prep and syllabus-writing. Happy New Year, friends. And happy knitting.

almost all boh; no new knitting.


Sometimes I have to put on pretty shoes (or any shoes) to get some writing done.


I baked myself a cake: strawberry buttermilk cake, to be precise. (Based on that Smitten Kitchen raspberry buttermilk cake that I’ve totally made and linked to, here, many times. Of course, too lazy to track down the link right now…)


Wrinkles and snoring.


This blue vest is my new favorite thing — it’s the birthday present I bought for myself. (Do you do this? If not, you should.)


Another handspun eternity scarf in action. This is the first one I knit.


I picked a fight with the driveway the other day. A sheet of ice, courtesy of some early morning freezing rain, means that I’ve got a bloody knuckle and a banged up hip. Tough to get old. My students were sweet, though — I held up my fist and one of them said, “What’s the other guy look like?”


This face is what I saw when I woke up on Thursday — I’d been trying to sleep in, and I didn’t set an alarm. Hello, sweetness.


Boh seems to know that I’m in the market for a little extra puppy love these days. I’ll take it.


Oh. My. Goodness. I swear, he puts that bone around his leg like a bracelet all by himself.


And then proceeds to take a nap.


Snowbird in action.


Boh performs “lap dog” quite well sometimes. Happy Friday, friends.




Hello, friends. This is pretty much what it looks like here at Chez Rooster. Except there’s more snow. (Which means there’s been a lot more shoveling…)


Sweetness from Boh.


A ridiculous outfit I found myself wearing sometime last week, and had to document.


Wrinkles. Snoring. Swoon.


Some mornings, this is the look I wake up to.


And some knits in action. Because if I’m not really knitting right now, at least I should be enjoying handknits, right? (Also, forgive this silly pose. If I want my neck in the picture, which is where the knitwear is, but also want you to be able to see my boots, some awkward posing is necessary. And I’m sure the hand on the hip is thanks to plenty of social conditioning. I cringe.)


I have been wearing the heck out of this handspun eternity scarf. I think the fiber was Pigeonroof Studios merino, and it is so so so soft.



Some grading and editing work at the coffee shop this morning. I treated myself to a dinosaur cookie.

Boh and I are hanging in there — lots of things are up in the air, and the to-do pile grows ever larger. Thankful for a long weekend to try to catch up a little bit. Hope you’re all well — and warm in your knits!

at year’s end: a baby hat, an eternity scarf, a hat project.


A baby hat for my cousin’s second daughter, born a few weeks before Christmas Day. (I enjoyed some serious baby time on Christmas Day, the wee one out cold in my arms. This hat is too big for her, but she was wearing it anyway. Yay!)


Our traditional Christmas Eve meal: French onion soup and quiche Lorraine. This might be the first time I’ve ever snapped a picture of it.


Also traditional: the Christmas Bloody Mary. Yum.


This is the beginning of a hat project for P., our October houseguest. Everything in the house broke that week, and P. was pretty awesome about helping with (read: doing) re-lighting the pilot light on my furnace, locating the source of the water spraying all over my basement, and keeping me company on the porch while we waited for the power company to check out a potential gas leak. These are not the sorts of things houseguests are supposed to do, and so I volunteered to make him a hat! Stay tuned for more in progress pictures of this handspun seaman’s cap.




Plyed, but not washed yet.


A Boh interlude.


More Boh, and the beginnings of a handspun eternity scarf I knit for myself amidst work-related stress.


That was fast. This is merino I spun at least a year ago and it is SO soft.


Here’s the beginning of P.’s hat. Such lovely dude colors.


And here’s Boh, cuddling with my bright pink Mara shawl. And that should get us to the New Year. I’ll be back soon with more knitting and spinning from the beginning of 2014. (And thanks, you guys, for the comments, and for being here. I’m sorry I’m so behind on comments. I might just archive them and try to start fresh with my responding. Thanks for understanding.)

pictures from last week.

I did it again: I uploaded and formatted photos last week with the intention to post. And then I didn’t. So I’m doing it now. (What’s sort of fun about this is that I can’t remember what I took pictures of last week, so this will be a bit of a surprise for me, too.)

Oooh! I finished a sock — the first of the pair I’m knitting out of Plucky Knitter yarn in the touch of mink colorway. This sock is on the snug side, but I’m hoping it will loosen up a bit with wear.

Knits in action: my first eternity scarf. Still holding my coffee mug. I’m guessing this is from Monday or Wednesday, which are my early-to-campus mornings.

Research! I’ve been really good these last two weeks about blocking off several 3-hour chunks of time to look at the materials I gathered on all of my late summer and early fall research trips. I really need to start writing soon, as I’m giving a paper in April. I’ve been telling myself that I have to begin this when I get back from the wedding I’m in this weekend.

It’s official. I’m obsessed with the carrot-miso soup Deb posted about earlier this winter, except instead of drizzling it with toasted sesame oil, I’ve been lacing mine with sriracha. So good. Why have you not made some of this yet?

Boh lounging in the sunshine on the porch. Is it really February?

Inspired by Boh, I spent some time working on the porch.

I managed to snap a picture of the train going by. Can you see it?

Thursday morning omelette: spinach and cheddar, drizzled with sriracha. Yum.

I love these wrinkles.

Procrasti-knitting? I finished the first sock and cast on the second, instead of just buckling down and finishing the wedding shawl. I can tell you this now because the shawl is currently soaking, and soon will be blocking on the dining room table. Time to go pin it out. Stay tuned for more photos!

cowl time.

Like Hammer time, but not.

It’s official, folks. For the last several weeks, the weather has mostly been the kind of weather where you CAN wear a cowl, and you won’t be too warm. Today, though, is the first day where I feel like I NEED to wear a cowl or some other form of hand-knit goodness around my neck. I’m declaring it officially cowl time. Please adjust your behavior accordingly. (Boh will wait.)

Or maybe he’ll just continue to supervise the edging on my hap blanket.

I’m about seven rows in — so far so good. Happy Friday!


A few days ago, I decided I need another eternity scarf. The thing is, the pattern calls for the kind of yardage I can get out of two bumps of handspun, not one. After digging through my (more accessible) fiber bin, I surfaced with Southern Cross Fibres polwarth in the Rhinebeck colorway (Oct 2010 club fiber) and Hello Yarn polwarth in Cauldron (April 2010 club fiber). And then I opened up the bags on my already very full desk, and snapped this picture. So far so good.

Here’s the first bobbin of the SCF polwarth in Rhinebeck. This stuff spun super smoothly. I really can’t wait to spin the second bobbin’s worth.

And here’s an almost full bobbin of Cauldron. These colors are slightly more muted than the SCF (well, except for the super awesome bright green). Putting the bobbins side by side, I’m less sure of my pairing, but since the fibers themselves looked fantastic together, I’m going to start plying (maybe today?) and see what happens. Fiber experiment!

Okay, time to pour the coffee. This rooster is so ready for daylight savings to kick in, and not just because of the extra hour of sleep I’ll get tomorrow morning before yoga.


Good: yesterday I received a box of ice cream. Of Jeni’s ice cream. In the mail. Complete with a love note and special effects (fog from the enclosed block of dry ice). The friend who sent this rocks far more than I do. And the ice cream? It is fabulous. We savored several small bites of the salty caramel last night after dinner. I will not even attempt to describe the fullness of the flavors that combined to make me incredibly happy.

Bad: The dent the resulted from my poor choice of a three-point turn location. This occurred about 15 minutes after I discovered the box of ice cream on the front porch. There is a tree on my street that I love. It stands on the next block, so Boh and I walk by it all the time. It is tall, sturdy, and has a bulbous, knotty, interesting trunk. I never noticed (until yesterday, anyway) that one of the round, knotty bumps sticking out of the trunk hangs out just a bit over the curb. And when I, in a hurry to make a meeting, left without my phone, I pulled a quick three-point turn to head back to my apartment. Problem was, I chose to do so right at this tree. And as you can see, when I backed up (still on the road, mind you), a bulbous portion of the trunk made a bit of an impression below my rear window and to the side of my spare tire. The whole thing is sort of ridiculous. Somehow I managed to position myself so that the bulbous part of the tree was exactly where I couldn’t see it. Super lame that I’ll need to put some extra money into my car, but in the grand scheme of things, I don’t think I could have avoided this (or now, reproduce this)  if I tried. Plus, ice cream makes everything better.

Thanks for listening. After I went outside this morning to take a picture of yesterday’s dent, I dug out my handspun eternity scarf. It was cold this morning, so I wore this doubled up on my walk to campus, and then wore it in a big loop once I was inside. I love this, and wear it all the time. I really should cast on another…