handspun! Also, a road trip and a favorite house guest.

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Finished two-ply handspun. I don’t remember what this is, but it is wonderfully squishy, and will make a lovely winter hat, or maybe a pair of mitts.

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The blob of this pinwheel continues to grow. I only have a few more rows until I’m at 450 stitches, but as you can imagine, these are LONG rows. Hoping to get this to the baby I began it for before said baby is a toddler…

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I pickled some radishes.

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And some beets.

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And then I drove to New Mexico to see dear friends and pick up a favorite houseguest to bring home with me.

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While in Albuquerque, we enjoyed tasty Mexican desserts.

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And beer.

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And I brought back a lot because Chefboyfriend couldn’t make the trip with me.

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Once home, I graded in a coffee shop.

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I drank beer that “tastes like wizards.”

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And captured this stunning sunset.

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Went for a hike. (That’s favorite houseguest on the left, and Chefboyfriend on the right.)

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Admired fall yellows.

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And appreciated the beauty of a bright, crisp, October afternoon.

plying after months away.

15oct - 5(WordPress encouraged me to change my theme because I was using something older and now unsupported, so I did that, and now I’m fiddling with image size and some other things — please bear with me.) Also, this is what happens when you sit down to ply after months of not plying: you ply in the wrong direction until you notice that something just doesn’t seem right. I even had to google “which way do you ply” to confirm that yes, I should be doing this in the opposite direction I spin singles…sigh.

15oct - 4Boh totally knew that I was doing it wrong.

15oct - 3But then I started again, and see? Pretty pretty. (I think the twist could be a smidge tighter, but these singles, spun in the spring, maybe, are really nice!)15oct - 6And I’m excited about the yarn, though I don’t have the label handy to tell you what it is. (My best guess is something awesome from back when I belonged to the Hello Yarn fiber club.)15oct - 1I did a little bit of work on the patio yesterday.15oct - 2And Boh kept me company.15oct - 7This morning he was a ham and a bed-hog.15oct - 8Looks like I’m going to have about 176 yards of this squishy 2-ply. It’s soaking as I type. Happy weekend, friends.

anybody out there?

Hello, friends. It has sure been awhile. (So long, in fact, that the jeans that were new in the last post ripped a few weeks ago and I went on an emergency jean-buying spree.) When I last wrote to you, Boh and I lived in the South, but we were getting ready to head West for a new job, maybe even THE job. (This one’s tenure-track, and partway through year two, I’m really happy here.)

Not long after we moved, I met a dude — from here, but newly returned. We figured out that we drove across the country the same week. Let’s call him Chefboyfriend — because yep, that’s what he does. We’re going on 16 months together, and all three of us (me, Boh, Chefboyfriend) are happy.

I’m not knitting a lot, but there are some long term WIPs on the needles. And also a book in the works. And I’m wondering to myself if restarting the blog might be a good way to work on my writing practice as I begin working to find regular time for my research again alongside my pretty intensive teaching schedule. So, no promises — we’ve seen how that goes — but I have missed this space. And all of you.

Would you like to see some pictures of my life since March 2016? Here’s a handful (or seven):

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New apartment.

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Not long after I moved out here, I went to a dear friend’s wedding in Portland. And wore pink!

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And I cast on a baby hat.

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I continued working on a long overdue wedding blanket…

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Boh and I explored our new home.

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More of that wedding blanket. (Yes, this picture is from more than a year ago, and no, it isn’t done yet…)

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I prepped for class on my patio and looked at the mountains.

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Chefboyfriend took me on lots of hikes and drives. This one, to see the aspens last fall, was pretty great.

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I set up (and sat down at) my wheel.

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And even spun some squishy two-ply yarn.

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More adventuring with Chefboyfriend.

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We drove out to see my little brother and meet the animals on his farm.

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We took our bikes to Canyonlands for spring break.

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And there’s been lots of chef-cooked food. Cornish game hens and asparagus here, I think.

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Buffalo chicken sandwiches with Anchor Bar wing sauce my parents sent us.

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Grilled butternut squash and pork loin.

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Scallops, enjoyed on the patio near the end of summer.

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More spinning.

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We bought a dresser and celebrated our adulting skills.

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Boh experienced Great Sand Dune National Monument.

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I baked several of these variations on the Smitten Kitchen raspberry buttermilk cake.

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A colleague invited me to guest lecture at Tulane, so we went to New Orleans and ate all of the tasty things.

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I got out the tent.

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And we camped in Yellowstone.

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And drove through the Tetons.

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I baked zucchini bread and muffins — and barely put a dent in the zucchini we’ve been getting in our farm share.

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Saw my first show at Red Rocks — The Avett Brothers with Shovels & Rope.

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We have a new bakery in town, and it turns out the baker moved from where I went to grad school! He used to bake the bread in my bread share and work at the awesome farm I belonged to there. These galettes are happy-making. And the bakery is an easy bike ride from the apartment.

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Boh remains sweet and silly.

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A pinwheel blanket I cast on before our summer road trip.

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A professor costume.

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Sour beers in bright colors.

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My office door.

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Boh, with an ultrasound haircut. We had a big health scare with Boh this fall. He’s certainly getting older, but for now, he’s doing pretty well — and running along our favorite path with me again. And frolicking. Here’s one last picture from our first hike after all the scary medical stuff:

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Hope you’re well, friends. And happy knitting!

at year’s end: a baby hat, an eternity scarf, a hat project.


A baby hat for my cousin’s second daughter, born a few weeks before Christmas Day. (I enjoyed some serious baby time on Christmas Day, the wee one out cold in my arms. This hat is too big for her, but she was wearing it anyway. Yay!)


Our traditional Christmas Eve meal: French onion soup and quiche Lorraine. This might be the first time I’ve ever snapped a picture of it.


Also traditional: the Christmas Bloody Mary. Yum.


This is the beginning of a hat project for P., our October houseguest. Everything in the house broke that week, and P. was pretty awesome about helping with (read: doing) re-lighting the pilot light on my furnace, locating the source of the water spraying all over my basement, and keeping me company on the porch while we waited for the power company to check out a potential gas leak. These are not the sorts of things houseguests are supposed to do, and so I volunteered to make him a hat! Stay tuned for more in progress pictures of this handspun seaman’s cap.




Plyed, but not washed yet.


A Boh interlude.


More Boh, and the beginnings of a handspun eternity scarf I knit for myself amidst work-related stress.


That was fast. This is merino I spun at least a year ago and it is SO soft.


Here’s the beginning of P.’s hat. Such lovely dude colors.


And here’s Boh, cuddling with my bright pink Mara shawl. And that should get us to the New Year. I’ll be back soon with more knitting and spinning from the beginning of 2014. (And thanks, you guys, for the comments, and for being here. I’m sorry I’m so behind on comments. I might just archive them and try to start fresh with my responding. Thanks for understanding.)

last night.


Last night this happened. Really. I almost hesitate to share because I don’t want to jinx anything. I got out my wheel, and spun a little bag of leftover Hello Yarn Targhee in the Sprout colorway. I listened to a podcast, drank some tea, and watched the sunset.


And then I went inside, curled up on the couch, and pulled out my Snowbird. It actually smelled sort of damp and musty, probably from being shoved in a bag at the base of my fiber closet since at least December 2012. The “hard” part of this sweater is done — now there’s only knitting the body and adding the pockets. (Okay, and seaming the collar to the body. That might be hard.) I have a growing list of baby and wedding gifts to knit, but I might just cut myself some slack and try to finish the stuff that I both love and have let languish. Let’s see if I can keep this up.


In other news, I spent Saturday night with my parents, and after we celebrated my grandmother’s birthday, we enjoyed a fire in the pit that’s built into the brick patio behind their house. Boh normally has to stay in his box for family gatherings (he is not very good with larger groups, especially if they include strangers), but when there were only a few folks remaining, I brought him outside to enjoy the fire.


I think he liked it. I know I did.

Thanks, you guys, for all of your kind comments on my last post and my unintended absence. It means a lot to know you’re still here.


This is what canceling office hours and taking a sick day looks like around here. (Also, whoa. WordPress has a brand new photo upload interface.)

Fixings for a magically soothing beverage.

Said beverage.

My classroom, empty before our final meeting of the semester on Wednesday morning. (I was assigned a particularly beautiful room this semester. Last spring, my class on nature occurred in a windowless room.)

A little bit of spinning. This is the second bobbin of Sprout singles. Not sure if I am going to ply this or leave it as singles.

Boh, being silly, and using my knitting as a pillow.

Pure sweetness. I’m feeling much better today, and Boh helped.

Aaaaand he’s snoring. Time to finish my cup of tea and get to bed!


I don’t watch Game of Thrones, but I’m pretty sure nothing says “Winter is coming” like a baby mouse scurrying around my dish rack. (Filled, of course, with no longer clean dishes.) This guy hid in this jar-shaped glass when he saw me. After I took his picture, I escorted him to the bottom of the driveway. And then I began the process of investigating for evidence of mice, and scrubbing and disinfecting everything. My love of old houses  means I’m familiar with this process, but I was a little cranky about discovering this mouse late on Tuesday night just as I had finished all of my prep for my Wednesday morning class. Sigh. I understand that the mice are just looking for a cozy place to hunker down. I’m willing to negotiate: they can have the basement (which has an earthen floor — there’s no way I can keep critters out of there), but the kitchen is off limits. Hopefully I can convince them that it is in their best interest to agree to my terms now, before the cold really sets in.

But enough about that. How about some pleasant signs that cooler weather is upon us?

I wore my wurm cowl yesterday. And I totally want another one.

I drank my Thursday morning latte pretty quickly at the coffee shop yesterday. (And finally finished a workable draft of that fellowship application I’ve been complaining about!)

I wrapped myself in my stripe study shawl and sat on the porch with my first cup of coffee this morning.

Aren’t the leaves lovely?

I’ve been spinning! These are Targhee singles in the Sprout colorway from the Hello Yarn Fiber Club (April 2011). In the background you can see what are probably my last snapdragons of the season. Even if winter is still a ways off, the first frost is near. I picked those at the farm on Tuesday afternoon. Happy Friday!

troublemaker singles.

Don’t be alarmed; that’s just what this colorway is called: Troublemaker. I grabbed this off the shelf because I wanted to be spinning something, anything really. No project in mind, no particular goal save working at my wheel. This mixed BFL from Hello Yarn felt like butter, and at least in my hands, it wanted to be singles, so that’s how I spun it. When I was just starting to spin, everything I read said that once I got the hang of this, that it would be really hard to spin thicker yarns, especially thick and thin singles. They weren’t wrong. I was going for something a bit more uneven, but these singles look a lot more uniform than I was intending. I’ll keep working on it.

Hangers on the heating pipe. (Don’t worry. I’ll figure out something else once I turn the heat on.)

And from the other side. I snapped these late last night, and the colors are so much more beautiful and vibrant than even that first close up shot. Stay tuned for FO pictures once these skeins are dry!